Friday chacha, the cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 

I am a person who is always analyzing, trying to understand other's perspectives and always asking, "why", why did a person do what they did, why am I having certain thoughts. This questioning follows me into my Bible study and encourages me to dig deeper into scripture and look for ways that verses apply to my life. Why in the world does the Lord love or hate the things that the Bible says He does? I mean, the Lord loves a cheerful giver? That seems pretty straightforward and obvious, but why does it even matter what kind of giver I am? This verse, along with so many others remind me that even when scripture doesn't make complete sense to me on the surface, it is always giving me direction towards what is best for my life. I have often given a gift just to check a box, just because its the "right thing" to do.  Throw a gift card here, a generic present or donation there, buy the fundraising  t-shirt etc.. However, last week I got to see an example of the clear difference in just giving and being a cheerful giver as I watched my oldest daughter and it became so evident to me that the blessing in being a cheerful giver is so much deeper than when giving a thoughtless gift or a gift out of obligation. 

Last weekend, my girl went to her dad's house and came back loaded with gifts. She had asked him to take her to Target, taken her own money and very intentionally hand picked gifts for each member of our home. Now, these were meant to be Christmas gifts since its early November, she even bought her own Christmas wrapping paper and wrapped them all up. I was so impressed with her and we talked about hiding the gifts in the attic or getting out the Christmas tree a bit early, but as we chatted it became clear to me that she could not wait for Christmas to gift these items, she was too excited. I am very familiar with this type of gift giver, as I sit at this very moment, snuggled in my surprise anniversary gift for the anniversary that's still two weeks away but my sweet husband couldn't wait.  So, that night we sat down and I admired my girls face and heart as she watched each gift opened. She was absolutely beaming, knowing that she had considered each person and their likes as she selected these gifts. After a bit, I was no longer impressed by the gift giving in general, but blown away at the sincere thoughtfulness that she had put behind each and every gift, especially the ones for the brother, who she says drive her crazy. Each person unwrapped an item or two that they loved, that they had wanted, and that they would sincerely enjoy. For Jojo it was his favorite candy (reeses), and a gift card so he could take me to lunch, for me -there was a puzzle for us to do together and it was covered with chocolate and baking items, for mellie- a dinosaur book and puzzle, for carson- an xbox gift card and for jacob- new football gloves and a ball. For herself, not a single thing. While she didnt have a single tangible object for herself, I am confident that the joy she felt from giving was more valuable than any object she could have gotten herself. How my heart needed this reminder and this peek into the heart of my girl.  

What a timely reminder for my heart too as giving season is coming, to be a cheerful giver because the biggest blessing in that type of giving is for the giver. 


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